For Ukraine

A poem

Anna West
Imogene’s Notebook
Nov 26, 2023


Photo by Diana Vyshniakova on Unsplash

There is a bird
that snatches
my voice
each morning.
He is a tiny bird
his feathers a simple brown
the color of a priest’s cassock
or the earth.
the dawning sun
catches tips of blue at the edges of his wings
or the crest of his head
This morning his song is one of sorrow
He sings of war
and the death of truth
for truth is the first to die in war
He sings of cruelty, of sacrifice
the cowardice of might pitched against the…



Anna West
Imogene’s Notebook

Traveller. Tea drinker.. Dreamer. Cook. Currently based in London determined to finish my first piece of creative non-fiction, In the Garden of Dark Flowers.